When we hear that a book we loved when we were children is set to be adapted into a film that we're overwhelmed with an uncontrollable sense of excitement. Imagine that you're the main character of the book you've always loved from early years. Feels surreal? That's what the actress Olivia Rodrigo experienced. Olivia Rodrigo's acting journey began when she landed the leading role on her favorite American Girl television series. Rodrigo was watching episodes since she was just seven years old. It was her first time playing the role she's enjoyed and felt a connection to since childhood. Her talent was soon appreciated and today she's a character that the majority of viewers of the TV channel Disney know. Though this success is sweet however it was not without a price. Olivia's popularity came at cost. Olivia had to move from one city or another frequently. That meant she was forced to give up her schooling, and socializing with friends. Olivia is very popular, with over 39 000 Instagram users. Olivia also has a lot of attention on Twitter.
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